When a cavity is not treated in time and is in a very extended stage or tooth fracture, it can lead to damage to the dental pulp (inflammation or even death of the dental pulp).
In these cases it is extremely necessary to perform an endodontic treatment, in order to keep the tooth healthy so that it is useful for chewing, avoiding the need to extract the tooth. If this treatment is not performed, may result in the loss of the tooth.
Failure to treat it in time can have serious consequences. For example, contributing to the appearance of infections and inflammations that put the health of the dental piece at risk. For this reason, in Clinica Dental Conil we insist on the importance of maintaining proper oral hygiene and from visit the dentist regularly.
The Pulpotomy is a treatment in non-permanent teeth whose objective is to extract only the pulp part (nerve tissue of the tooth) that has been damaged and keep the rest to proceed with the reconstruction of the tooth. With this treatment the child's pain is generally relieved immediately and we avoid symptoms such as pain, sensitivity, inflammation and reabsorption of the root of the tooth. Pulpotomy does not affect the eruption of the definitive tooth.
The Pulpectomy, the procedure, on the other hand, is performed on teeth with significant caries. It consists of the total pulp removal, including the inside of the crown (visible part of the tooth) and the roots, to then seal and reconstruct the tooth. The fundamental difference with pulpotomy is that only the tissue from the crown and not the root of the tooth is removed.